"Instant AI Agency" Book Buyer turns $14.40 into $104,300... with a little help from his ROYA friends...

Before I tell you about my boy ‘K’, and his ‘Krazy’ story…

… I want to give you a virtual hug and say THANK YOU for buying my book.

It really does warm my heart.

Have you dived in yet?

If not, it's cool… here’s me summarizing what we do, and what the book teaches in a sentence:

‘We take our client's old leads, and then we turn those old leads into sales, and we get AI and SMS to do all the work’

If I distilled it down further…

‘We create wealth from other people‘s waste by getting A.I. to do the work’

Which is kinda new, huh?

We are so used to worshiping the ‘Hormozi’s’, ‘Grant Cardone’s’ and ‘Gary V’s’ who are all about… THE GRIND!

4am wake-up calls.


Not true in 2024.

A new type of entrepreneur is emerging.

One who knows the answer isn’t “a faster horse” when there’s the chance to build a car.

One who understands that if we try to work and live like these guys say we should… shit breaks.

Maybe not straight away.

But, eventually our so-called ‘success’ comes at a price.

It’s at the expense of goofing around and playing games with our kids.

We forget that soon, they’ll be too old to care.

It’s at the expense of swapping stories with our parents and grandparents.

But there’s always tomorrow, next week, next month for that… right?

It’s at the expense of looking after our mind and body…

Until we’re sat in the doctor's office being told “Make changes, or else”.

And sometimes that’s all it takes.

A slight shift in our thinking, to see where we ‘got it wrong’.

We got it wrong when we believed the ONLY way to get success was to outwork everyone.

I ran an agency and I did ALL of the below:

I ran Meta ads, Google Ads or YouTube Ads

I created funnels and do CRO

I designed websites

I wrote sales pages

I did SEO

I wrote video scripts

I managed Sales Bros

I did a lot of email marketing

But it was exhausting.

Now, I can get control of other people’s assets and cashflow them using AI and SMS.

What’s the number one asset for ANY business?

Their customers.

Where do those customers come from?

Their database of leads and buyers.

These businesses have spent years and big bucks ‘creating’ this asset.

All we do is offer to take control of that asset so we can turn any old leads into new sales.

What’s even better is that we do none of the work…

We get AI to do it all for us.

This is exactly what happened to my boy ‘K’.

K, a father of two kids under 5, told me he was looking for a way to ‘escape the matrix’.

As a pro golf coach of 17 years, K didn’t spend his day chained to a desk…

…and he didn’t kiss a boss's ass for a salary.

Instead, K had to keep dozens of ‘mini-bosses’ happy week in, week out.

What days and times he worked, were decided for him… by his golf clients and THEIR schedule.

Saturday afternoons at the park with the kids and lazy Sundays reading the newspaper were out of the question.

Weekends are when people get off work and want to swing their 7-iron.

Fed up of not being able to work on his terms and spend the time he wanted with his family…

He bought my book, read it in one sitting… and the penny dropped!

It was the answer he had been looking for.

He didn’t NEED to work harder, longer, later…

There was a new, better way.

K was so sure this was his escape from the ‘hustle and grind’...

He sold the family car to fund his dream of building an AI agency.

It was a bold move (not one I’d recommend for everyone) but all looked well as he left the starting blocks.

K booked coffee date after coffee date into his diary. Some were with big clients.

They included a leasing company with a revenue of $47.5m a year and a solar company doing $60m a year

I heard from K a few weeks later:

“Dan, I'm working on this as much as l can but I’m just not getting to that sale”.

He’d had coffee dates with great clients but hadn’t closed a single one.

Where some folks would have felt deflated, it just made K more determined.

On the 20th of May, he decided enough was enough.

He no longer wanted to go it alone and decided to join ROYA.

We handed over the keys so K could access everything.

…Our SHUT UP and SHOW ‘EM Case Studies that have racked up well over $1 MILLION in signed agreements.

…Our time-saving agreements.

…A seat at our weekly tech calls where our experts can ‘pop the hood’ on his Android, root around and fix any issues he’s having.

…Our quick-start onboarding docs.

…Our ‘impress the crap outta clients’ advanced Androids.

…Fast feedback from me, so he could tell if he was on the right track and if not, what to do to correct it.

…Direct advice and critique on his pitch, coffee dates and demos.

…Access to the ROYA hive mind that’s overflowing with knowledge from some of the smartest people doing AI deals.

I went to work, with a new found confidence.

Fast forward 4 weeks, to June 25th…

K received a $65,500 cash offer (€60k) for 20% of his AI business.

1 week later, he landed a major insurance company as a client that does 3.5 billion a year.

Yes, that’s ‘billion’ with a B.

Shortly after that, he received his 2nd cash offer of $38,800 (€35k) as an upfront fixed fee, for his Android to work just 5500 leads.

What’s crazy is that this is for an initial ‘test’. They have another million customers for K to go at if they like what they see.

Within 8 weeks of joining ROYA, K went from selling his car to keep his head above water and client’s ghosting him after coffee dates…

…to closing a billion-dollar client and $104,300 in cash offers (€95k), being thrown at his feet.

This is the fastest way to FU money I’ve come across.

We don’t have to beg for business!

We don’t put up with anyone’s BS to get it either.

K isn’t the only person who’s rang the ‘sales bell’ to the tune of 6 figures.

Rob Brown went from working a 9-5, to £20K/month in PROFIT within 6 weeks.

It didn’t take much for Rob to close his first client.

He sent them a short demo that let them ‘experience’ the power of AI. It was one of the fastest YES’S he’s ever got because if a picture paints a 1000 words, an experience paints a 1000 pictures.

Then all he did was offer to turn their 100k+ leads that haven’t bought into 6 figures worth of sales and the bot would do all the work.

Any leads that turned into cash, they'd split 50/50.

“When do we start?” his client said.

No reference requests! No squabbling over the ‘price’.

Because they are being GIVEN money, they’d have never had without this.

Even the greenest lead genners will be able to use this to turn conversations from “where’s your proof?” to “how do we get started?!!”

Rob was an AI newbie.

But, that didn’t stop him scaling to £80K weeks with the ROYA program and community.

The last time I checked the average student brings in $10k to $100,000 in sales on their first try.

Like Kevan…

Before ROYA this was his story (his words not mine):

“…This is for the person who needs to hear this right now. To do it justice, I wanted to share some background (minus the stomach ulcers) of what happened in the last four weeks ending last Friday.

I've been selling ads and marketing with my agencies for 20+ years. It's a lot of work, with much competition, and has become commoditized to the point where the assumption is you're trying to rip them off before you walk in the door.

I have two kids, a mortgage, and all sorts of cash flying out the door at a rate of knots…”

He was caught in the agency trap some of us know all too well.

More Selling. More Clients. More Overheads. More Stomach Ulcers… Repeat.

Things changed fast though when he found us here at Flexx HQ.

Within 4 weeks of joining ROYA, he had $100K wired to him from an investor because the idea of Database Reactivation using AI was so simple and powerful.

A few days before this, he signed a $5K/m retainer PLUS $25 per booked appointment performance fee for a property education biz with a 100K list.

These two deals alone are likely netting him more net profit than his entire old agency did with god knows how many clients… and let’s not talk about getting results and the overheads!!

Now all he has to do is take our ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Android, amend it for his niche and then set it loose.

AI does all the work!

It doesn’t matter if you’re like Rob, starting out with zero clients, and looking for an escape route from a 9-5.

Or an agency owner that wants to make as much with one AI client as they did with TEN of their old clients…

Client’s LOVE a ‘risk free way’ they can save money and bring in new customers.

That’s why we rarely hear “let me think about this, can you send me references”.

We can put 5 & 6 figure deals together with people that have NEVER heard of us before.

A few DMs in Facebook groups with business owners looking for leads.

LinkedIn cold outreach.

Cold email scraping and automation.

Whatever we like.

Any of these ‘cold methods’ work because we don’t ask for upfront payments.

Our offer makes us the prettiest girl at the prom.

All we need to do then, is show off our “Impress The Shit Out Of Clients” Android and things really start to explode.

Make sense?

So, I’m looking for a few more action takers like K, Rob, or Kevan.


Here’s how it works…


They’ll take the Sleeping Beauty Android, get control of people’s most valuable assets and pull in $1k per week bare minimum using simple emails and social posts, and if they need it templated FB ads…

…WITHOUT long ‘convincey’ sales calls, or clients seeing them as a marketing expense.

It’s not uncommon for peeps to get hold of 10,000, 300,000 or 1,000,000 databases in a single handshake:


Then, we pair our “Sleeping Beauty Android” with our “Prince Charming” SMS template so we can wake up their database and bring in many $1000’s in sales, without ever having to work a single lead ourselves.

As Sleeping Beauty Android Controllers, we often make it rain for multiple clients in less time it would take to ‘close’ one for a SMMA type offer.

Our “Prince Charming SMS” asset isn’t anything fancy. 

It’s a good old conversation starter combined with AI that despite its humble appearance…

…gets folks excited to text us back. 


The next thing you know they're booking calls and we’re up $10K-$100K+ in sales.

Folks that have used this tell me…

It's UNLIKE ANYTHING they’ve ever seen.

In my experience, what keeps most people from getting the income they want, is that they’ve not had an ‘EASY YES’ offer…

…that is SIMPLE to get results with. 

Often as entrepreneurs, our ability to dip our toe into everything from Funnel Builds to Affiliate Marketing to SMMA offers can act like a boomerang for our income goals. 

Folks go into the wild with their shiny new offer. Fight like hell to get clients. Struggle with complex delivery…

…then switch to the next new offer because they run out of money or can’t earn enough to outweigh the grind.

Peeps have likened it to feeling like a rotisserie chicken. Getting their ass scorched by the flames, then to get some brief relief before the cycle starts all over again.

These services almost always come with HUGE ASK too.

Mr/Mrs Client, in order to get you great results with social media ads I first need you to have a quiz funnel built, money for ad spend, and a follow up system in place.

We’re having to ASK the client FOR MORE… before we’ve even started. 

It’s no wonder we hit a wall of resistance and have to spend hours justifying our services and proving ourselves. 


Offering to take all the people in a client’s database who haven't bought and pump out 5 or 6 figures worth of sales with our "Sleeping Beauty" Android…

…is all about GIVING clients value from something they’d written off for dead.

See how much easier that is to say YES to?

When you’re Giving rather than Asking.

This approach demands clients loyalty. 

The $$$ you put in their pocket is all the encouragement they’ll need. 

When this happens, we no longer get dumped after the first date. Client’s start proposing to us! 

Then, they get so love-struck with our Zero-risk approach that they introduce us to their biz owner friends. 

We no longer beg for business. Partner’s now have to prove themselves to us.

Which is why getting the income we want has never been easier. 

ROYA peeps have got deals popping like popcorn in Home Services, Financial Services, Wellness.

…we’ve got Dog Trainers, MedSpas, Chiros, Realtors, Dentists, Roofers, Gym Owners, Hypnotherapists. 

It seems like everyday we’ve got someone closing 2 or 3 deals in these different industries 

I can’t find an industry that the ‘Sleeping Beauty Android’ won’t help. Every niche has old customers they haven’t sold to.

Check this out…

This is ONE Android, working ONE abandoned cart, for ONE client in the e-Commerce industry.

Over 24 days…

We made $20,810.49 in PROFIT.

It’s the easiest money my agency has ever made because…

Other than spending a few minutes updating our sales tracker

…we didn’t do a darn thing!! 

This was possible thanks to our e-Comm Android and you’ll be glad to know…

It’s available to swipe right now, along with the step-by-step training, inside ROYA. 

There are 100s or 1000s of ecom stores, with 100s or 1000s of buyers just waiting for you to mop up like we have.  

The opportunity and the market size is HUUUUGE! 

It’s why a regular dude like me with a family and kids, can still do a deal and pump out multiple 6 figures. 

And now, we’d love to have you! 

I’ve got your set of keys in my hand and I’m ready to hand them over to you. 

You can get started TODAY! 

You’ll get immediate access to your own ROYA system, all the same tools and everything you need with it that’s helped folks like K, Rob an Kevan bank $1k+ per week straight away

You won’t start from scratch. 

You’ll login, go through the welcome video and follow the step-by-step training in bite-sized chunks.

With this bank vault of templates and examples at their fingertips, I’ve watched agency owners land their first profit share partner in the first 24 hours. 

Not everyone moves that fast!

... but the templates sure do save a lot of time. 

If all you ever did was get one DBR client, this would be a steal. 

You can get started and begin pulling in $1k/week deals for a deposit of USD $727.

Then it’s only 5 monthly payments of USD $727 (+VAT depending where you’re based).

...most of my students make their ENTIRE INVESTMENT BACK...they just push send on maybe one or may two of the emails we give them in their toolbox (give or take) as long as they've got a network of current/past clients.

Now, I’m putting you on the honor system.

I am not a bank, but I am financing this so that it’s doable for everyone.

This is NOT a 6 month program.

It is SELF-PACED with lifetime access to everything.

I’m just giving folks 6 months to pay.

...some people move faster than others.

That’s totally ok.

I trust you'll be ecstatic to send me the payments when you’ve transformed your client-pulling-power now pulling $10k to $100,000 in profit from other businesses assets.

If you’re ready to rock ‘n’ roll and rent Androids together?

Kindly tap the link below to self-enroll.


Once you’ve enrolled and taken care of the investment, then I'll get you set up.

I’ll get you immediate access to the Rent Out Your Android programme and all the examples and templates.

If you get cracking with it…

I’d be surprised if you didn’t make your investment back (or more) in the 1st week.

You got this!


P.S. I’ve put the BONUSES and FAQs on a separate page if you’re the detailed type who likes to see them? 😊

===> Bonuses and FAQs

You may have to click the link twice?

P.P.S. Got a question or two?  I’m all ears. Reach out to me HERE and I’ll get your Qs answered.

P.P.P.S. This just came in from another student who’s been doing this.

He ran some numbers with his client and it’s looking he’s got an £8million deal on his hands.

He may not get this. But, even if it's a tenth of that size…

It would still be a good deal.